Sunday, July 21, 2013

23/6/2012 Departure from KLIA to Incheon International Airport Korea

   Assalamualaikum and selamat malam..hehekk first of all wanna say alhamdulillah tercapai jugak hajat nak pegi korea huhu xpeee next trip ingat nak pegi jepun plak pastu br europe lol byknye duit aku =.=" haaa 22/6 tu kan ade GD world tour malangnye xdpt nak pegi sbb tettttt halangan parents lol since cuti sem kan so xpelaaa redho jer ..kita pegi BB world tour next year lah ye haha! mak and ayah lah yg rajin nak hantar aku pegi KLIA n i said to them xpeee ain boleh naik flight dr kuantan smpai KLIA tp dorg xcaya muka aku nihaaa tah smpai ke x lol maklumlah aku nih blurrr a.k.a pending orgnye~~ ^O^ fyi nilaa first time aku naik flight so semua bnde dlm flight tu aq jadi batak hahaha! gerak dr rumah tgh hari lalu kat seremban sesat2 bagai dlm pukul 8malam la jugak sampai KLIA..flight malam pukul 11:30 so kot2 la satu flight ngan GD n TAEYANG kan haha berdebor la jugak rasenye! aku pon mesej la k.mell tnye katmne dia still xgerak sementara mnunggu aku pegilah cari surau pastu pegi toilet..tgh2 cari surau terjumpa VIP LOUNGE tmpat tu mcm tmpt menunggu utk para2 VIP or artis2 nih aku pon duk hintailaa kot2 ade GDYB haha tp xde pon tp polis bersepah la jgk jaga depan tuh n kat pintu masuk sekali..hati berdebor2 shaking over body katako neves baq hang haaa cmtu laa nk describe perasaan aku time tuh mmg kompem GDYB lalu situ sbb flight dorg nk balik korea pon mlm jugak lol *xhabis stalk 2 ekor tuh =.=" pastu dah tukar duit bagai pegi laaa tggu lagi kat situ..polis mmg dh bersepah kat pintu nak mnyambut GDYB lah katakan aku ni sumpah neves lol 
our tix flight~!! demand kau naik MAS hahahaha airasia ngan MAS lbh krg jer hrga plus airasia klo nak mkn kne add on duit werrrr so btter aku ambik MAS even mhl but worth! 

sementara menunggu tu sempat lagi aku snap gambar VIPS yg tggu GDYB jugak hahaha! bapak crayon tu aq suke cam comel jer...dr bg GD bglaa aku opssssss! 

         Aku tgok dorg ni pon sekejap ke sana skejap ke sini bahahha cm xtau nk pegi mne jer..huhu then pukul 10 k.mell pon sampai! ttbe GDYB pon sampai! hamboi dorg ni share kereta ke hape sampai timing sama! VIPS semua dh jerit terpekik terlolong kejor GDYB bagai and aku nihaaa duk tgok jer GDYB lalu depan mata WITHOUT DOING NOTHING! they just 2 inch from me n what i do just stare! lol pabo me! k.mell dh terlompat tarik2 tgn i bila nmpak GDYB n mak siap cakap "ain cover sikit,ayah awok ade tuh" sbb tu laa aku buat bodo jer wehhh sbb ayah aku ade kat situ xkan aku nak kejor dorg bagai pulak kang ade kena parang ngan ayah aku uwaaaaaaa as i said before my dad sooo ANTI KPOP so i just sit n stare n watch them from far far away lol..ade la jugak aku nampak taeyang! wow he's totally in white n pakai bandana stampd LA dia tuh..GD plak jln blakang sekali siap tutup muka xpaham aku nape dia duk ttp muka lol padahal satu dunia dh kenal kot muka dia werrrrr..they both errrrrrr short! sorry but dorg tuh mmg pendek hahahahah opsssss! aku xsnap pic pon kan dh cakap aku xbuat pape just sit n stare! uwaaaa tgn shaking nak taip msej pon xboleh! interaction kat twitter xyah ckp laa mmg penuh semua duk tnye aku dhler tgh shaking pastu nak balas pon xterbalas pstu sibuk ngan tix flight bagai ughhhhhh so xleh nak reply sgt pon sorry!  
          kat twitter plak mmg kecoh cakap flight GDYB pukul 11:15 so lagilahh aku excited sbb malam tuh flight korean air 11:15 dgn MAS 11:30 share the same flight! ttbe la kan mybe la org tuh jeles ke ape ttbe buat taik ngan aku haaa start dhni nak ngumpat lol dia ckp aku nih spread rumors dgn ckp GDYB naik flight lain2 n excited beria konon2 same flight padahal flight GDYB pukul 11:15 bkn 11:30 same ngan kteorg lol! ehh budak kau xtau pape sila diam kayy..aku nih yg ade kat situ aku taulah~!! lgpon aku xckap pon dorg naik flight lain2 so sedap2 fitnah aku eak budak! budak tu mmg ramai org bnci sbb suke cr pasal ngan org! but sebenarnya flight dorg pukul 10:30 naik korean air! dorg bli tix flight kat sana lah kot sbb masa korea n malaysia beza sejam! dorg naik 10:30 so bila kat boarding pass tulislaa dorg naik 11:30 sbb korea kan awal sejam! lol dia yg kompem flight dorg pkul 11:15 mmglaa aku excited sbb pilot tu sndri ckp kteorg share same flight dgn korean air ..klo nko pon nko excited jgak kan! haaa tringat tweet k.mell "pagi2 buta dh spoil kan mood aku! dia tuh yg bodoh xreti beza masa korea malaysia nak salahkan aku!" lol i love that! hahaha no worries trun2 flight mmg aq dh hentam minah tuh wakakaka beside even 1 flight nko ingat senang nak pegi kat business class tuh! siap2 kne tendang kluar flight je lol ok dah2 stop talking about that monkey! poreber hate her! huhhhh >< 

batak dlm flight! wakakakkaka maklumlah duduk tepi tingkap lol~~~~~ perjalanan mngambil masa 5jam 30 minit..

time nih mmg nak sampai dah~~ matahari dah kluar! time nih kat malaysia baru pukul 4:43 am wowwwwwwww!!

k.mell yang snappppp huahuahua~~~~

sila ignore syok sendri tuh lol~~~~

 beautiful nature ~!!

yang nih lagi terkejut! sampai2 jer pilot announce temperature 18 degree mygodddddd~!! hope xsjuk la sgt since kat sana summer skrg nih~~~

around pukul 7 pagi pon kitaorg sampai!! yeayyyyy~!! tour guide pon ambik kteorg kat incheon airport! tuh muka xmandi lol dhlaaa xtido dlm flight trun2 muka sume xterurus dh mcm zombie! wakakakak ape lagi jomlaaa pegi guest house! weeeeeee xsabar~!!                                   -to be cont-


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Big Bang Alive Tour 2012

     Anyong guys! okay so sorry because late update for BB concert,LMAO it's already 2 month after the concert! kkkkk mianhae because i'm so lazy to write....pfffftttttt =.=" btw,HAPPY NEW YEAR! without any further delay,i will story morry la sikit2 about that concert,all i just can say is AMAZING! DAEBAK! even after 2 months that memory still in my mind! not just can meet BB in real but also meet new VIPS friends! such a great moment! ^^ 
        Actually my dad didn't give me permission to go because of the date yahhhh! 2nd day of raya haji,since i already bought the tix and i keep persuade my dad to let me go seeing my hubby ehemmmmm! and then he let me go but with one condition! THAT IS THE FIRST AND THE LAST CONCERT U ATTEND! UNDERSTAND! lmao i feel like wanna cry because cannot attend more concert or maybe i can attend but without his permission! lmao bad daughter la me! kkkkk because i'm so excited wanna meet BB for the first time i just "ayoooo agree! " yeah as usual,he let me go but he keep nagging at me! lmao fyi,my dad is so anti-kpop! hahahahah! i dun know why yup mybe because of their style,i mean sexy and dance kind a like OMG whatever! malas cerita yang tuh! let's move on! 
       I go there yup that saturday 27/10 around 2pm,yoshhh so late! i know! since i was on semester break so kena bertolak dr phg,i go with my dad by car laa xkan bas pulakk~~~ ayooooo! before that concert,i actually meet new vips friends through twitter like k.julie, k.mia, k.dayah, k.syaza, k.jijie, k.hanim, k.sara, we all ingat nak jumpa and fangirling sama2 time konsert! and actually i lost rm300~~~ T___T biasalah org tamak selalu rugi! i already bought cat 5 which is rm288 but since dorg semua cat 3 so beli la jgk cat 3,dekat la sikit dgn stage kan! baru gempak! cat 3 cost is rm488 so if u just total the tix,i already spend about 7++ dayummmmm! fishhh cake betol! >< ofc i wanna sell that cat 5,i already get buyers but the buyers backoff sbb i dtg lmbat! dia nak tix awal sbb nak rebut tempat sbb cat 5 is actually free seating! i already announce at twitter "who wanna free tix cat 5 just see me at gate 4," hell yeah so many people want but they dun have transport to go there! what can i do~~~ just rela kehangusan rm300! T____T i arrived at KL around 6pm and damn jam! lol k.mia already called me so many time "where r u? lmbt lg ke? org semua dh nk msk ni?" lmao me so kelam kabut time tuh,dahlaa kereta byk plus jam nak cr parking lg! lps parking kereta jln plak ke stadium merdeka,seribu batu jauh! i just follow people only,i dun have any idea wth stadium merdeka is~~~ and my dad berlenggang nye jln kat blakang! lol i feel like in running man already! sweat running like a ~~~~ pfffftttttt k.mia keep calling me,hahahaha! shoot my fon batery so shit that time,hahahaha! my dad just accompany me,he didn't enter that stadium laa,jajajajaja! then i meet k.julie and the gang! and we enter that stadium! LMAO so many VIPS! we got checked actually for 3 times before enter that stadium! amboiii kemain! THENNNN! 

BTW that is my tix~~~ nomnomonmooooomo one tix didn't use,that cat 5 tulaaa! nampak tuh xterkoyak lagi! hahahahaha.. 

and this is the view from cat 5~~~ lmao so farrrrrr! OMG! thank god i changed to cat 3~!! ngehehehehehehehe! LOL okay....

this is my view from my cat~~~ i mean cat 3 lmao~~~ yeah quiet close but tip toes mehhh! i jump2 like crazy person! hahahahahah! 

LMAO u guys for sure kind a bored right,heol chillax this is just intro! ofc i'm gonna show stage pic first! kkkkkk troll~~~~~~ actually that concert start at 8pm but tetibe hujan! kteorg ape lagi,pakai lah raincoat yg warna dh mcm crayon tuh! like GD said "MALAYSIA ARE U READY TO WET!" lmao i'm so weat here! >< before concert start they played BB mv,and when that mv show TOP face all people scream kyaaaa! lol chillax TOP stan! actually among us only me riri stan so .... hahahahahahh! poor me! when that mv show riri face only me "kyaaaaa riri!!!!!!!" lmao semua org pandang "ape kena budak ni? sawan!" yup only me scream for riri but that is before concert! when concert also daesung name i scream! even dae is not my bias! this is facts! listen guys! BIG BANG IS MORE DOUBLE TRIPLE HANDSOME IN REAL AND THOSE IN PIC IS LIAR! yoooo i mean in pic they handsome but if u see them in real they are more handsome! omo crying like han river here! sobssssss! T.T  ofc we are gonna posing maut kat situ! japp ehhhh! jgn annoyed tau! kkkkkk 

haaaaaaaaa! jeng! dari kanan! ehemmm! that's me! pastu kak julie, kak jijie, kak mia, kak dayah and i think kak syaza yg tangkap gambar nih! huahuahua! 

                                    annoyed?!?!?!?! janganlahhhhhhhhhh! huahuahuahua! 

kuajooooooooo! aku sorg jer xde lighstick! dorg semua ade crownstick and tuh bnde liplap atas kepala dah mcm lampu raya dah! kkkkkk lol eden pakai lighstick seungri jer,tu pon dh patah! sobssssssss! ><

ni plak gambar kteorg reramai! lepas abis konsert ni! tadi mcm 6 org jer ni ttbe ramai,hahahahah! entah pakai tgkap jer ngan sesapa! VIPS kan family! yawwwwwwwwwwww! then around 8suku senget2 the concert start~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "tonight such a beautiful night! auwwwwwwwwww!" 

kluarlah 5 jejaka dr korea yg hot3! no doubt i fell like wanna cry mood beria sikit! kkkkkk...and during hands up GD almost slipped out yeahhhh the floor is wet,plus GD is hyper active so no wonder! kkkkkk 

i love riri that night! he said "no rain can stop us! this country awesome! we are so excited right now! so many people! i love this place! " omo i'm faint alreadyyyy! tbh,riri is so white! i mean putih melepak kau! and so hansome! ><

it's time for riri solo~!! he sings what can i do and strong baby with a laser gun! lmao fucking handsome! almost forgot GD said malaysia VIPS is special than others! because of the bus,the banner,the poster! VIPS ofc screammmm!

yeah mission blue success but mission red kind a fail~~~~ kkkkkk until whenever mission also fail~!! haiyooooo! 

during haru haru we all sings together and GD kind a proud! i love haru haru! after that we sing happy birthday to TOP and TOP said "terima kasyihhh" aigoo bingu! and riri kind a jealous! i can saw that! sbb dia bercekak pinggang! hahahahahaha! so cute! i never forgot when GD said "u want more? " "yesssssssss!" "what do u want" suddenly i scream "i want u!!!!!!!" and then people laugh! okay i'm blushing plus ashamed! *O.O* 

during encore they sings 4 songs! fantastic baby,heaven,lies,last farewell~~~ if i'm not mistaken laa sbb dah lupe,2 months ago pnye case! kkkkkkkk i'm so hyper when encore,i'm singing and dance lolzzzzzz half crazy! and when heaven part i'm crying againnnnnnn! lol that song so touched laaa! T.T 

around 10 senget2 that concert ended! we are like noooooooooooo! actually i have record when riri beatbox! i'm so surprised that riri can beatbox!  TBH, GTOP is fucking handsome! i amzed with TOP face,for a minute mcm kne sawan! terpandang muka TOP and terkaku for a while! damnnnnnnnnn! GD also is bias wrecker! he and TOP make me not focus to riri~!! i'm regret now! T.T then after the concert ended,kteorg pon balik~~~~~ best moment ever never forget! >< 

  kak jijie give it to me! soooooooooo cuteeeeeeee! love this!!!!!!!!!!!

   the banner that i collect there! and the card to celebrate TOP birthday! ^^

look at my seungri lightstick broken into the pieces! lmao~!! stupid people crash it! damnnnn! actually there's have seungri's name but since the name broke so i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T__________________T

my shoes for the next day! LMAO that concert were like flood so me double double pabo just wearing flat shoes ! kkkkkk ayah aq perli "kau ni pergi konsert ke pergi kem tentera?" =.="

just simple things wanna share! kkkkkkk



Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ice Skating!

        Baru2 ni aku pegi ice skating ngan dayah & jihah! lol! sgt best! tp aq pnakut giler,mne xnye...licin siottt kat situ,dahla roller blade pon aq xpenah main inikan plak ice skate..lebam2 dah bdn sbb jatuh,hehekkkk! tp 10 jam jugak lah aq duk kat luar tu xnak masuk2 sbb takut,last2 aq main 2 round je,tu pon jalan tepi2 jek,bkn tgh2,kalau tengah2 kompem tergolek pnye lah! yg best dorg suke pasang lagu korea kat situ,cehhh bajet macam kat korea je kan,hahaahhah! tetibe ade lagu oppa gangnam style! pe lagi,ade sekumpulan ni flash mob kat situ,siap lompat2,hahaha! aq xleh nak lompat sbb jalan pon terkedek2....pastu kteowg pegi daiso japan! kedai tu jual barang2 cute yg hnya berharga rm5! kalau korg pegi situ sila bawak seribu yer sbb semua bnde korg akan nak beli nanti,huahua! pastu kiteowg balik la dgn kepenatan & lebam2 kat chapter 30 i will story about BIG BANG ALIVE TOUR IN MALAYSIA! woot! woot! xsabar dah ni! lagi 2 hari jekkk,yippy2!!!! daaaaaaaa!

i'm so gedik and i'm know it!

ni sbnrnye lighstick seungri! auwwww

ticket for ice skating!

glow stick beli kat daiso for AT mission!

ni pon beli kat daiso gak,penutup telinga kalau sejuk2,hehekkk

i'm the tallest among the others! haha! 


Sunday, October 7, 2012

VVIP Come With Me...

      Anyong!!!!! bertemu lagi kita dalam sesi blaaa....blaaa...blaaa....dah kenape? hehekkkkk....korang penah makan kat Dubu-Dubu x??? alaaa,seoul food tulahh...nope? yes? well,aku dah pegi makan ary tu...haha! xhabis pon bcoz perut aku ni ada satu masalah iaitu...jeng....jeng....jeng....xboleh makan makanan yang xpernah makan...kalau makan jugak nanti aku muntah...tapi still gedik kan nak pegi Dubu-Dubu...haishhh,aku nak try makan ramen jekkk,at least ramen tu mcm makan maggie je,tup2,aq makan la soon dubu chicken....first time aq makan kimchi...siottttttttttt! pedas gila babeng...dah la mahal....kena plak belanja bankrup la aq time tu kan~~~ 오늘밤이 바로 그 밤이야! 

muka bosan! hahah

nilah soon dubu chicken tu!

lol! teringat this time,tergelak mcm hape sbb tgok parody suju,dorg semua dressup cm SNSD! SUMPAH LAWAK!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

I'm A Superwoman!

       Salam Ramadhan diucapkan,sebenarnya dah nak abis ramadhan tapi baru nak wish,hehek,apadaa~~~ by the way just left 6 days to celebrate hari raya,kyaaa so x sabar...alamak esok exam tapi bukan baca buku tapi update blog,hehekkk ape nak jadi la dengan aq nih,kalau exam BM xpe lagi,ni exam IBE,salah satu architecture pnye core course....kena la struggle tahap gaban cipan kan....actually i have so many story to tell,semalam aq pegi shopping mopping ngan kawan aq merangkap classmate aq si myra & dayah. mula2 kteowg p masjid jamek,well tau2 jelah kalau dah p masjid jamek time2 nak raya ni,so crowded like **** ...kteowg p kedai "MUAZ" ! WHAT THE la kan,bapak la ramai org,baju dahla cantek2,yg penting murah.mulenye aq nak beli blouse labuh,seppp gila la kan,cantek kot,tapi perangai aq kan,"tangguh dulu la beli...." "malas la beli lagi" pastu beria plak pjm baju org time nak outing sbb xde baju labuh,huahua! next kteowg jalannnn lagi and beli tudung,dayah nak cari baju kurung but xde yg berkenan dan aq asyik merungut "OMG! panas gila! oh panas2! " well,sebenarnya aq xske p tmpt yg crowded sgt dgn org ni bukan nak demand tapi paham2 jelah,xselesa jadinyer~~~then dah pusing macam ape kteowg take a monorel and p times square.masa nak beli token nak p times square,OMG! byk gle org beratur smpai mesin token pon dah xnmpak,sesak gler,myra dah xsihat so aq suh myra p duduk kat mne2 biar aq ngan dayah yg p beli tiket,tgh sesak2 tu,tiba2 ade skateboard jatuh,kuat gler bunyinyer,aq pon melatah la "OWH SHIT!!!' sgt kuat yer,depan aq tu ade omputih,dyeowg gelak je ble dgr aq mncarot tu,hahakkkk!!!! dah naik monorel pon sama sesak jugak,pokokny semua bnde yg public ni sesak sbb weekdays and nak dekat raya,ok pasni aq dah malas nak p shopping dekat nak raya,menyesal giler~!!sampai kat times square,aq ngan dayah pon suruh myra rest kat surau,lepas tggalkan dia kat surau,aq dgn dayah p shopping tanpa myra,bkn tgglkan dia okay~~~ 

     Hehek,aq cam bese lah,smpat lagi p kedai kpop tu,target aq skunk ni BigBang so nak beli BigBang pnyer stuff jek,aq juz beli BigBang pnyer baju,then beli kasut.....tetiba nak jalan pon xlarat so kteowg decide nak p rest kat surau jer,kteowg duk kat situ smpai petang,pas solat asar kteowg smbg shopping,sekali dgn myra,myra dah ok sikit,tiba2 dayah plak sakit,then kteowg pon p lepak kat station 1 (tmpt berbuka,dah booking) smpi lah berbuka....then dayah plak muntah,aq kalut gler cari plastik,mujur la ade byk plastik time shopping2 tadi,dayah xmakan pon sbb xde selera,pas solat maghrib kteowg pon balik,nak beli token tu,cam bese lah sesak gler org,aq suh dayah p rest,aq ngan myra plak yg p bli token,kesian kan aq,aq jer yg survive until the end,hehek sebab aq ni kaki shopping,dah beli token tu,sesak jugak nak naik monorel pon,kteowg kena tggu 2 kali monorel sbb x muat,then dayah muntah lagi,aq bukan nak kutuk tapi ade chinese 3 org tepi dayah,dyeowg gelakkan dayah pastu bisik2,mngumpat laa tu~!! xpaham betol aq....then kteowg buat bodoh jelaa xkan nak bergaduh kat situ plak...smpai kl sentral kteowg naik teksi blk UIA,nak blk naik bas dah xlarat,smpai2 je bilik trus aq terpukang tido tapi p mndi dulu la,tido dgn xsikat pon rmbut,pnyer laa xlarat kan....huahua! 

        Heh,tadi aq p kg.baru plak p iftar ngan senior level 5 wing C,haha....geng2 aq jugak la tu kalau dah senior~~~time nak past lalu kat pakguard,ferra ngan nadiah plak xlepas sbb baju x ok kot padahal dah labuh ape bju dyeowg,yg plg geram dahla pakguard yg tegur tu bkn tgh incharge pon,pakguard yg incharge tu xcakap pape pon,eh mental plak aq ngan pakguard UIA ni,dalam pukul 9.30 jugak la kitaorg balik.....waktu nak lintas jln masuk UIA,thia(jiran aq) terpijak jubah aq,aq pon jerit "OWH SHIT!!!" ok kuat giler,aq trus malu,dah lar ramai gler org time tu,semua pandang,lagi sekali aq mncarot,dahla bulan pose,xbaik tol,huahua! that's all~~~ tata! last but not least say B I G to the BANG! aq ni dah giler BigBang! hehek.... ^_-

Saturday, August 4, 2012

this is my life~~

          Well,this is chapter 26 already,hehekkk banyak jugak dah aq merapu2 kat!!!  sejak ambik gc ni,hidup aq memang dah x terurus,bapak lawaknyer.i'm totally changed,everything dah ni addicted kat artis korea ni sekejap je,xlame pon..dulu aq bapak la addicted dgn JGS but now aq dah teraddicted dgn BigBang especially seungri,hehekkk! he's so cute loh...pasni tgok la plak berapa lame aq addicted dgn seungri,huahua....
          Baru2 ni wa dengar cer bigbang nak buat konsert kat malaysia sempena alive tour. baru nak beria kan sekali tarikh xkena la plak,the date is second day of hari raya haji,nak2 time tu aq dah cuti,alamak potong betol lahh....nak nangis pon adew~!! well,xde rezeki loh tu,hehekkk...nevermind!!!  
this is why i like them sooooo!!!

yeah! bigbang still alive!
          GD & TOP is a great rapper! DaeSung is a funny guy in BIGBANG! TaeYang is a great  dancer!       SeungRi is a cutest guy in BIGBANG!!! They are perfect! 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


my free ballon!

   Anyong guys! the fever about ft island konsert x surut2 lagi dalam hati ini...mana tidaknyer,dapat jumpe dorang yang kiut miut!! ^_^ perjalanan aku dari pahang nak sampai ke kl tu ada macam2 rintangan kotttt....sedih gler! tapi berbaloi laa,ehek3....okay,i will story morry kat sini eak....before balik UIA aku dah reserved tiket tu yang berharga jeng3 RM251 sebab tiket yang RM141 dah sold out....disebabkan tiket tu dah abis,mmber aku pon xnak pegi...katanya mahal kot harga yang lain2,so aku pegi sorg jeler...aku pon terfikir kalau aku pegi sorg aq nak pegi dngan ape eak? think3! haih,then aq saje jer tgk2 fanpage ft island dalam fb...tup2 ade sorg sis post kat situ,dye ckp sape yg nak tumpang dyer pegi konsert ft i tu nnti...wahhh,aq pon dgn senang hati mempromoted kan diri sendiri dan kteorg dah deal nk pegi sama2...
       Okay hal tu dah settle...time aq dftar nak msuk sem baru kat UIA tiba2 sis tu msj ea ckp xjadi plak nak pegi dgn aq...katanya ea ada hal....hadoi! aq pon fikirlah nak pegi dgn transport ap? mmg dgn lrt tp masalahny mlm tu! xkn nk blk dr konsert malam2 sorg2 kottt....xberani eden!  selama semggu jgk la aq fikir,nk pegi naik ap,hahaha lawak! jeng3,then tibalah hari sabtu 14/1/ duk termenung depan kipas...xabis lagi decide nak pegi or x...kalau xpegi sayang laa tiket dah beli plus FT ISLAND kottt! my feveret band!!! tiba2 ade msj masuk! sis tu msj...."hye,nak pegi dgn i x? hal i dah settle so blh pegi konsert tu...erm,u ade transport x? kalau xde jom pegi sama2..." OMG!!! aq dgn happy tahap gaban cipannyer melompat mcm kene sawan~~~
       HAHAHAHA! then aq pon siap2 laa and sis tu ambik aq kat terminal putra....i thought that sis know how to go stadium ngra tp kteorg sesat...sis tu xpenah pegi situ pon but aq x salahkan ea...ea bg aq tumpang pon dah kira bersyukur sgt3!!! lama jgk la kteorg sesat,hihi ^_^ kteorg sampai pukul 6.30 pm....bila sampai,wahhh! so many primadonna!!!! dari korea pon ade!  kteorg trus ambik tiket kat kaunter yg ade kat situ....kat tepi2 stadium tu ade jual baju ft i,tag,button,poster,kipas,and mcm2 lagi...rambang mata aq dibuatnya! haih,duit plak x bawak byk sgt!!!  7.30 pm kteorg pon masuk dlm stadium,sis tu entrance lain and aq pon entrance,aq tgk sorg2 jelar,hahaha! serius! niat hati aq mula2 masuk stadium tu nak jadi budak baik kot,xnak laa jerit2 ny...bila start je konsert,hahahaha! aq pon jerit hongki! jaejin! sawan x! terus lari polisi aq yg nak jadi budak baik tu! berair kot mata aq tp xnangis lagi laa....terharu+ sebak jer sebab dpt jumpa dorg dgn mata sendiri...T_T 
       Dorg starting dgn lagu i hope,love3,bad woman,love sick,the cool vs the pretty,like the birds....tu jer lagu yang aq tau! hahaha...yg lain2 sume lagu baru ft i yg aq xpenah dgr pon...sedih!!! primadonna xcukup syarat aq nih...huahuahua ^^ aq pon hayun laa lightstick murahan aq tu,5 hinggit kottt...tiba2 tercabut! argh! malu! lepas tu aq hayun dgn berhati2, ingtkan boleh la record sekali no camera! aq pon record la curi2 tiba staff ea halang dgn papan! argh! frustrated!!! yang sis dpn aq tu lagi dasyat! ea hayun ea pnyer lighstick smpai nak kena muka aq kottt! aiyoo sis chillax sudaaa.... dorg nyanyi 25 lagu yg hanya hong ki sorg yg handle,ade jgk jae jin and seung hyun yg rap tp hongki lagi byk nyanyi! aq kagum gler dgn hongki! stamina ea pergh! xyh ckp laaa...superb abis! sebab lepas konsert dorg pegi singapore plak kottt buat konsert kat sana....dorg xpenat ke? take care of your health ok oppa2 yg kiut,,,kekekeke....
      Lagu yg terakhir lagu like the birds! my feveret song!!! aq nmpk laa hongki nangis,bukan nangis beria tau! nangis terharu laa....then dorg dpt kek wahahaha! walaupun dorg xreti ckp bi tp dorg berusaha tau nak ckp....seunghyun laa yg teror sikit speaking....lepas konsert hongki tweet kat twitter "thank you malaysia! i'm sorry" aq xtau knapa ea mntak maaf,mybe sebab ea agak emotional kott...lepas konsert,aq and sis otw pegi kat kereta tiba2 ramai gila org berkerumun kat blakang stadium...nak tggu ft i kluar laa,dorg naik alphard hitam... aq and sis pon hahaha,tggu la jugak kat situ sampai jalan jam tau.... tiba2 ade kancil berhenti dpn aq...'dik,ade konsert ap ny?' 'ha? oh ft island...' 'apa???' 'ft island!' 'oh,sape tu???' 'korean band' 'ohhhh' then kancil tu blaaa....haish ade jugak org x kenal ft i??? then,sorakan makin kuat!! bila alphard tu lalu dpn aq,aq pon lambai and say anyong! aq xnmpk la org dlm tu sbb crmin kete tu gelap...mybe hongki nmpk kott! eceh,perasan lebih...^^
      Lepas tu aq and sis balik laa....sis tu hntr aq depan rumah kakak aq kottt! thank u unnie! thank u soo much!!! kalau unnie xde xtaulaa aq nak balik naik ap...ramai yg kagum dgn ft i,termasuklah baki host 8tv nite live...ea ckp kpop is not just kpop! ft i lain dr grup kpop yg lain yg hnya menari tp ft i xmnari but dorg ade part msg2 means masing2 ade instruments yg perlu dimainkan....after a week aq still xblh lupe konsert tu! AWESOME WEI!!!!! FT ISLAND DAEBAK!!!
MY tickets....cheaper only ^^

tag,3 rm10.....

tshirt that i bought after the concert ^^

before the concert start^^
yellow prims ^^

the last song,like the birds,my fev songs ok! daebak!!!

jaejin oppa!

hongki oppa!



jonghun oppa!

the cake that i mention before^^


yummy2 ^^

minhwan oppa!
that cool stage!

seunghyun oppa!
omo omo!


hongki soo hyperactive!

sarange jaejin!

cute maknae!

handsome leader!

bing3 ^^

seunghyun,hongki,jaejin rocks!

jaejin the best^^

damn!hongki soo cute!

superb guitarist!

they said goodbye T_T

soo many prims!

at the fanmeeting^^

look at hongki's nails,aigoo ^^


the poster!

at doubletree hilton hotel^^

jaejin cute ^^


minhwan soo cute!

haha hongki!


jonghun said hongki was his girlfriend^^

haha leader candid ^^

